Terms and conditions of provision - Dysphagia App

By downloading or using this app on your smartphone or tablet (device) you accept the following terms and conditions.

The app was developed by:

Region Nordjylland, Niels Bohrs Vej 30, 9220 Aalborg Ø, bus.reg.no. 29190941.

This app was created for educational and/or training purposes. Thus the purpose of the app is solely to assist you in organising your rehabilitation and is intended for patients with dysphagia.

For more information on how to use the app, please read “About the app”.


Region Nordjylland owns all intellectual property rights associated with the app. These include, but are not limited to, the app’s contents, design, texts, videos and brands.

You only acquire right of use to the app. This right of use is limited to your private, non-commercial use. Your right of use does not include the right of reproduction, including translation, adaptation, correction, copying or distribution of the app. Your downloaded app thus does not give you any form of licence to Region Nordjylland’s intellectual property rights.

Region Nordjylland’s liability

You need to organise your training program with your healthcare professional contact person and this app does not constitute professional healthcare advice.

Region Nordjylland is thus not liable for any injuries or damages which you may incur in your use of the app.

Further, Region Nordjylland is not liable for any loss of a pecuniary or non-pecuniary nature which you may incur in connection with your downloading or use of the app, or if the app is, or becomes, inaccessible on any of your devices.

App privacy policy

Region Nordjylland’s app privacy policy outlines how your data is used by the app:

How the app works

This app is aimed at patients with dysphagia. The purpose is to present various exercises that can have a positive effect in relation to eating and drinking. When you play an exercise, the camera on your smartphone or tablet is activated so that you can watch yourself as you perform the exercise. The data you register about yourself is not shared with Region Nordjylland. Data is only stored on your device.

Does the app process personal data?

The dysphagia app does not process personal data about the user.

Personal data is any data that directly or indirectly says something about the person. For example, civil registration number, physical or mental health information, information about illnesses, photos etc.

The processing of personal data can encompass many different activities. For example, it can include the collection, organisation, storage, alteration, collocation or sharing of personal data.

Does the app share personal data with others?

The dysphagia app does not share personal data with others.

Here you can read about Region Nordjylland’s personal data policy and your rights when the region processes data about you

Updating the app

Region Nordjylland may make app updates available. These updates can deal with any technical or content-related element in the app. We recommend that you always keep the app updated. You can do this by downloading the most recent updates. If you do not keep the app updated, this can lead to failed or limited functionality or accessibility of the app.

Region Nordjylland may at any time terminate the availability of the app. This can occur without individual notification to you. Termination may mean that you are obliged to cease use of the app and the deletion of the app from your devices.

Other terms and conditions

These terms and conditions of provision may be amended by Region Nordjylland at any time. The currently applicable terms and conditions are always available in the App Store.
If you have questions regarding these terms and conditions you are welcome to contact it.support@rn.dk

Prepared in cooperation with legal office and Strategic Digitalisation B, AML, Sept. 2018