Social Services and Specialised Education
The North Denmark Region has a number of specialised institutions with a high level of knowledge concerning treatment, obtained through years of using relevant theory, through involving those who have the everyday practise, in addition to being open to technological devises. The main philosophy is to view the individual as a whole person and a goal to maximise life quality.
The North Denmark Region runs institutions for both children and adults with a need for specialised aid to improve their communication abilities to see, hear and speak. The aid consists of a mix of teaching, guidance and counselling and introduction to technological means.
The North Denmark Region runs institutions for both children and adults with a need for specialised aid to improve their communication abilities to see, hear and speak. The aid consists of a mix of teaching, guidance and counselling and introduction to technological means.
Logos, a reading project for children, has made it possible to find the difficulty specific for each child.
Based on Logos, suggestions are made for solving potential problems in order for the child to get focused aid and have normal schooling and a life among other children instead of being marginalised.
Based on Logos, suggestions are made for solving potential problems in order for the child to get focused aid and have normal schooling and a life among other children instead of being marginalised.
Another field is the institutions for people with the need for assistance to physical and/or mental disabilities such as people with brain damage, addiction and abuse, refugees with psycho-social difficulties and physical handicaps.
The value of these efforts is noticeable in the case of a 50-60 year old man, who fell unconscious due to brain haemorrhages, and thus spent 12 months at one of the institutions.
He re-learned to consume ordinary food, and regained the ability to eat, to move from lying down to sitting and to use the bathroom unassisted. Moreover, he became once again capable of making contact and passing along messages and to move around unaided – even in traffic.
The result is a man who is able to look after himself, with only a little support, and a man who potentially is an asset to his local environment instead of an institutionalised patient.