Screening for breast cancer
The examination
The examination is called a mammography and is an X-ray examination of the breasts. It takes approximately 15 minutes.
At the examination, the breast is pressed as flat as possible between two plates and 2 X-ray images are made from each breast. The examination may be unpleasant if the breast is tender or sore, but only takes a few minutes.
You will get a letter by mail or in your e-Boks telling you about the examination. The examination is free of charge.
Important information
You should always contact your general practitioner for an examination if you experience any symptoms from your breasts. This also applies if you follow the screening programme for breast cancer regularly.
If you want to cancel or change your appointment
Participation in screening for breast cancer is voluntary. If you do not want to participate, your appointment time can be offered to someone else.
You can cancel or change your appointment by calling the department on the phone number listed in your invitation letter received in Danish. You can also permanently withdraw from the screening programme for breast cancer.
Results of the screening examination
The results of the screening examination will be sent to you and your general practitioner digitally within 4 weeks. If you do not want your general practitioner to receive your screening examination results, please state so during the screening examination.
Contact the hospital department
Please contact the relevant department prior to the screening examination if you:
- attend a follow-up programme after breast cancer or have had a mammography within the last 12 months
- are a wheelchair user, have a mobility disability, or have other specific requirements
- have had both breasts surgically removed.
According to Danish legislation, you are not entitled to transport remuneration when attending screening for breast cancer.