About North Denmark Region

The North Denmark region is one of five regions in Denmark. With its 593.135 citizens (2024), the region is the smallest as regards population.


The new large regions are setting new frameworks for the political work. Larger units mean less focus on particular cases and spending more time on the general perspective.

The 41 members of the Regional Council get the opportunity to set a new agenda focusing on health, employment, quality, growth and development.

The regional council convenes every month, with the exception of July. The ordinary meetings are open to the public, which provides the opportunity of following the political work. The meetings are also transmitted live on our website.


The budget of the North Denmark Region is approx. 15,5 B DKK (2024) (1.54 B Euro).

The budget is allocated with 80% for Health, 10% for Social Services and Specialised Education, 7% for Regional Development and 3% for Administration.
