Information in english and other languages
Being a patient in North Denmark Region
Immediate help
Are you ill or injured? Receive the right treatment at the right place. Find information in English, German, Spanish and Polish.Being in a hospital
See our video and get information about your stay at a hospital in North Denmark Region.The video is available in 11 different languages
Interpretation assistance
In North Denmark Region it is possible to get interpretation assistance by video. You can find information about videointerpretation in more than 20 languages.
Hospital care for NON-residents in Denmark
If you need hospital treatment while you are temporarily staying in Denmark, you may be charged for hospital treatment.
Pregnant women without a residential address in Denmark
If you are not registered with a CPR number at an address in Denmark, you must in principle pay in full or in part for your treatment at the hospital.
Screening for breast cancer
In North Denmark Region, women aged 50 to 69 years are invited to breast cancer screening every second year. The purpose is to find breast cancer at an early stage, improving the treatment options and saving lives from breast cancer.
Cross Border Healthcare and Patient Mobility
Learn more about healthcare treatment in North Denmark Region and the national Contactpoint.